Sunday, October 9, 2011

Because Things That Are Cannot Be.

It all started with a simple idea. A simple, fanciful idea. Oktoberfest in Snowbird. What could be better than people running around in lederhosen and oom-pa-pahing on their German instruments while sampling tasty food? The idea appealed to both Eredolyn and I and we decided to check out this delightful cultural festival.
The morning dawned bright and clear as we set off, driving up the Little Cottonwood canyon. It was like stepping through a doorway into a whole new world. During the drive we found ourselves transported into a Narnian winter. (Or a Middle-Earth winter, whichever you prefer.)

After much ooh-ing and ahh-ing and praying that Eredolyn's car would make it up the mountain we arrived at the front gates of Oktoberfest and quickly snapped a festive picture:

Aaaaaaaaaaand that was as far as we got. Turns out there was a BOMB threat that day and they'd evacuated everyone to safety...a few feet away outside the banner. We waited and waited and WAITED. We tried to check out the lodge, but were kicked out only a few minutes later due to the pending danger. We talked to one of the musicians, who came with his own set of lederhosen. He was feeling a bit peeved as his instruments were behind the line of safety on the stage. He was hoping the bomb wouldn't detonate before he got them back. (Note of interest: He totally looked like Andy from The Office!)
We listened in to a few other conversations because we could. One family was trying to reach the rest of their group on the other side of the mountain and weren't having much success. The festive atmosphere was a bust.
However, we did perk up when the festival staff soon started bringing out tents and even built a fire in a convenient barrel. Ere and I marveled at how hospitable they were being, but also thought it was about ruddy time. Turns out the tent and the fire were reserved for the media only.
Thanks, Snowbird. Thanks.
We soon turned tail and left, braving our way back down the mountain and wondering all the while as to who would threaten a jolly day like Oktoberfest. (We deduced that it must be someone who hated fun.)
Not to be deterred from a day of cultural discoveries we visited the La Caille restaurant on a spur-of-the-moment decision.

(That blurry thing in the background is a peacock. SOMEONE wouldn't slow down enough and also my camera wouldn't focus on the dang bird. They roam wild on the restaurant grounds. Too COOL!)

(The swan wasn't being cooperative so Ere gave a quick honk of her horn and he perked right up.)


We also hit a bakery, Down East and Starbucks. Moral of this story? Don't be a jerk and threaten Oktoberfest. But if you do, just know that we still had a great day. Neener neener neener.

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