Sunday, November 11, 2012

You're Still Here and I Love You For It!

Wow! Seriously! Y'all are STILL following my blog? I am amazed and VERY impressed! But most of all thankful! Thank you for sticking around while I get my act together! I LOVE YOU ALL!
For reals.
Things have been a whirlwind! I can't wait to catch everyone up.
Wait...what WAS my last blog entry? Hold on while I catch myself up...
It's been a while.
The quick and dirty:
I moved out of my parent's basement and into a FABULOUS little apartment with a FABULOUS roommate that I can't wait to introduce y'all to! (Don't know where all the "y'alls" are coming from but I regret nothing.)
Got a "promotion" at work that is keeping me run off my feet (I'm the Accounts Receivable gal at Froghair-Check us out at
Got my computer fixed
Got my camera fixed
I've been called as a Relief Society teacher and I love, Love, LOVE IT!
Went on an incredible trip to Boston (Pictures coming soon!)
Rediscovered my Pinterest addiction. (Seriously. It's a problem. :)
PAINTED said new FABULOUS apartment (Pictures also coming soon!)
Joined a writing group and let people actually read my writing. SCARIEST THING EVER! Yeah, I'm working on a novel. Say what? I'll fill you in on it more in the future. For now I'm working on the hardest part: the rough draft. And then the next step gets even harder! Editing!
And just been having all kinds of crazy adventures that make me realize how hard life is and that it isn't going to get any easier the older I get so let's do this thing!
Thanks again for not giving up on me. I don't make any promises about updating daily or weekly but I will keep writing. I'm constantly amazed at how BUSY my life is. And I don't say that to brag either. I'm seriously a busy lady with callings and activities and other responsibilities.
Hope you're all doing well! I can't wait to share more!
Love, Love, Love to you!