Sunday, February 6, 2011

Just so you don't give up on me!

CATCH-UP TIME!!!! I spent most of my nights in January at my grandparent's old home in SLC and cleaning it out. We luckily have 2 offers on the house so far. Dad told me that if this deal goes through then we'll have enough money for my wedding. (Because that is SUCH a concern at this moment. I love that guy!)
I've also been busy at work. They recently added the section of "As Seen on TV" to my work que, so for research I get to go to YouTube and check out the infomercials. I love this job!!!
I just discovered a new Broadway musical that I'm pretty sure just about every person in America will love: The Addams Family. Seriously.
I also found out that my boss is NOT naming her child Cletus as I was under that impression until just recently. Apparently Cletus is short for "Cletus the Fetus" and I will never live down shouting out, "You mean, his name isn't really Cletus?"
I also ran into an old friend from Jr. High and had a BLAST with her these past few weeks. We would sit and talk for 3 hours and have it feel like it was only 10 minutes. She and her mom have been writing some beautiful music that they were kind enough to share with me. Morgan, you're the best!
You know, I get SO busy and run around ragged that all I do is dream of having an entire day to myself. The few times it's happened I'm happy for a few hours...then I realized that I am bored and lonely and go out and look for people to hang out with. Being around people is WAY more fun that sitting in front of the telly. So thanks to everyone who has been a great friend these past few crazy months! Here's to spending more time together in the future...I've got to run now! Ciao!


  1. I stopped by the old house yesterday thinking you might still be working on the basement but no one was there. Is it completely cleaned out?? Wish I could have helped more...I did offer, many times just for the record :) Hey,anytime you are super lonely and are near me, you know you are welcome to come over and we can talk books or whatever...of course there will always be 3 little ones hanging around but just in case, I wanted to put that out there...Luv ya!

  2. It was wonderful hanging out with you too! Seriously wish we lived closer! Love ya bunches. ;D
