Sunday, January 2, 2011

Navigating finances...

I'm planning on making this short and sweet since I am EXHAUSTED from my vacation and will be going back to work tomorrow morning. I just want to welcome the new year and hope that it feels welcomed here. I see so much potential and I'm counting on the fact that if I treat it well it will treat me well in return. :)
One of my best friends owns the computer game The Sims and we have SO much fun playing with it and building fancy mansions and filling it to the brim with awesome toys like flat screens, swimming pools, laptops, pianos, guitars and books. Sims lead a great life, especially if you know the cheat codes and can get an UNLIMITED supply of money. You can even plant a money tree in the backyard and pick money right off the tree. Their life is so easy. You see something, punch in the right code and voila! You've got yourself a multi-million dollar home filled with all sorts of perks!
Over the past few days I've been working on my finance plan for the upcoming year. Sadly enough, an unlimited supply of cash is NOT a realistic thing. I've got GREAT parents who taught me excellent money skills. The most important thing they taught me was NEVER SPEND MORE THAN YOU MAKE!!!! This concept has been drilled into my head my entire life and so (thankfully) it's second nature to me now. I'm currently reading Dave Ramsey's book "The Total Money Makeover" and trying to make plans for my future. (The book is amazing! Go ahead and check it out!) Having finished school debt-free (Hallelujah) and being blessed with a job has made me more aware of my current and future financial situation. I am not particularly money savvy except for the concept of never spending more than I make.
How easy it would be to pretend that I have a limitless cash cheat code for life and walk into the dealer and pick an expensive car. I'd get the car that I'd want with all the perks and my color of preference. (My used car is bright BYU blue...not my first choice, but it lends itself nicely to the name "The Blueberry Muffler".) However, not only would I walk out of the dealership with the car of my dreams, I'd also leave with thousands of dollars waiting to be repaid. There's no "off" or "pause" button when it comes to life. If you're willing to go without a few conveniences while you save, it all pays off in the end.
So thanks to my mum and dad for all they've taught me about money. I'm looking forward to becoming more money savvy this year. (*Disclaimer* Life is not all about money, but it never hurts to be prepared.) For now, let's dream big and go build a new Sims mansion next to the ocean while we drive our used cars, shop for bargains and put our money away in the bank for a rainy day.

1 comment:

  1. It's such an accomplishment to finish college debt free! That's amazing Em. Way to be. ;) Keep up the good work!
